Sekcja Badań Operacyjnych Komitetu
Statystyki i Ekonometrii PAN

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Na stronie zamieszczono publikację członków sekcji indeksowane na liście JCR (lista filadelfijska):

  • B. Kamiński, M. Jakubczyk, P. Szufel: A framework for sensitivity analysis of decision trees, Central European Journal of Operations Research, online-first, 2017, doi:10.1007/s10100-017-0479-6
  • B. Kamiński, M. Jakubczyk: Fuzzy approach to decision analysis with multiple criteria and uncertainty in health technology assessment, Annals of Operations Research, 251(1), s. 301-324, 2017
  • B. Kamiński, G. Koloch: Output analysis for terminating simulations with partial observability, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 71, s. 102-113, 2017
  • B. Kamiński, M. Łatek: On asymmetric Bertrand duopoly with price uncertainty, International Journal of Economic Theory, 12, s. 303-316, 2016
  • B. Kamiński, P. Szufel: On optimization of simulation execution on Amazon EC2 spot market, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 58, Part 2, s. 172-187, 2015
  • B. Kamiński: A method for the updating of stochastic kriging metamodels, European Journal of Operational Research, 247, s. 859-866, 2015
  • B. Kamiński: Interval metamodels for the analysis of simulation Input–Output relations, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 54, s. 86-100, 2015
  • B. Kamiński: Refined knowledge-gradient policy for learning probabilities, Operations Research Letters, 43, s. 143-147, 2015
  • K. Piasecki, E. Roszkowska, A. Łyczkowska-Hanćkowiak, (2019)Simple Additive Weighting Method Equipped with Fuzzy Ranking of Evaluated Alternatives. Symmetry, 11, 482.
  • K. Piasecki, A. Łyczkowska-Hanćkowiak (2018). On Approximation of Any Ordered Fuzzy Number by A Trapezoidal Ordered Fuzzy Number. Symmetry, (10), 1-22. DOI:10.3390/sym10100526,
  • K. Piasecki, (2017). Some remarks on axiomatic definition of entropy measure. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, (3), 1945-1952. DOI:10.3233/JIFS-15364,
  • K. Piasecki, R. Mesiar, On a possibility of generalization of the Bayes method of inference, Fuzzy Sets System 37 (1990), s.351-358
  • K. Piasecki, On fuzzily measurable random variables, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 29 (1989), s.67-88
  • K. Piasecki, A remark on the definition of fuzzy P-measures and the Bayes formula, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 27 (1988), s.379-38
  • K. Piasecki, Extension of fuzzy P-measure generated by usual measure, Fuzzy Math. 7 nr 3-4 (1987), s. 117-124
  • K. Piasecki, Note to "On the Bayes formula for fuzzy probability measure, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 24 (1987), s.121-122
  • K. Piasecki, Fuzzy P-measures on the real line, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 22 (1987), s.271-287
  • K. Piasecki, Probability space defined by means of the fuzzy relation "less than", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 19 (1986), s.173-189
  • K. Piasecki, On the Bayes formula for fuzzy probability measure, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 18 (1986), s.183-185
  • K. Piasecki, Cumulative distribution function defined by means of fuzzy relation "less than", Zeszyty Naukowe AE w Poznaniu S.I, 132 (1985), s.129-135.
  • K. Piasecki, Probability of fuzzy events defined as denumerable measure, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 17 (1985), s.271-284.

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